
Logo and signage designed for the Mazzaropi Museum, a permanent collection dedicated to the work and life of the Brazilian cineast Mazzaropi. The exhibition graphic design also was developed by me.

Logo created for the new brand of digital camera that would be launched by Dynacom Tecnologia, an electronic products company.

Logo designed for Memória Local na Escola project. Local Memory at School, translated to English, is a project of the Museu da Pessoa, which aims to involve the students in the Brazilian public education network, rescuing their communities’ memory.
It has been running since 2000, and, during this 23 years,
I have being designing more than 30 exhibitions, 32 publications, 7 ebooks, promotional material, and special projects.

Logo created for ABN – Associação Brasileira de Nogaku, a non-profit organization that gathers amateurs Noh theatre groups and practitioners. ABN was established to enable Noh performances in Brazil.

Logo designed for Fu Bu Myo In, a dance performance group.

Logo, business card and stationary created for Tambor Filmes, a cinematographic production company. Tambor in Portuguese means drum.

Select business cards.