Brazilian Cinematheque: 60 years in movement

Responsible for the graphic designer of this exhibition, conceived by Renato Theobaldo, director of Praxinoscopio Scenography, my big challenge was mixing together technical and historical information in easy way to the public understanding. The idea was creating a series of double side gigantic infographics where one side focus in history and other side in how cinema works. The iconographic material is amazing and has graphic beauty itself. The 3D illustrations was made by specialized illustrators. Despite the difficult concerned about the quantity of information and images, for me was an opportunity to show my love for movies.

The scenography point of view by Renato Theobaldo: “We were invited by the Brazilian Cinematheque to develop a project that would show all their work, which involves memory, preservation and restoration of films. To show the restoration work, we needed to show the operation’s physical principles of the cinema and its complex technological development. This was the big challenge for us. We tried to use the minimum of texts and to develop interactive equipment in order to show these ideas.”

“We created a mantle in elastic tissue to cover the entire exhibition. We printed in this tissue chronological strips of the emblematic films of the history of Brazilian cinema.
We developed a series of cones, which functioned as small movie theaters, and with blocks of content separated into the principles of movement, film, sound, color and digital. In one of the sides of these cones technical issues were presented in infographics and, on the other sides, we showed the stories and discoveries involving each of these themes. At the base of the cones, were shown the preservation processes developed in the cinematheque. Punctuating the space between the cones, there were electro mechanical parts that showed the different physical phenomena related to the movies.” (Praxinoscopio Scenography)