200 Years of Brazilian Press

I was responsible for the graphic designer of this exhibition conceived by Renato Theobaldo, director of Praxinoscopio Scenography. Both of us curated and edited the iconographic material.
This project was undertaken to commemorate 200 years of the press in Brazil which starting in 1808 when the Portuguese royal family arrived in the country.
I also created the logotype of the project and the promotional pieces as poster and folder.

“The collection of the Brazilian press was our base of content: this material had so many interesting images to create a good interest in the exhibition. But we did not have the originals, and so we needed to work with the reproductions. Plus, we did not want to mount an exhibition with a conventional support.
Also the fact that this exhibition would be itinerant helped us to develop this idea, because we needed to create a project with quick and simple assembly, that would not dependent on the infrastructure of each place.
We developed transparent inflatable cylinders and printed directly on it. Initially, the rotating cylinders remitted to the rotary printing machines, but eventually they lost this form, and this reference became more abstract. The pieces created blocks of independent content, which facilitated the understanding of the project and also its assembly in different spaces.” (Renato Theobaldo)